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Investigating the mythology of crystals throughout time

Do Rocks Have A Spirit?

Are crystals in your future?

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Investigating the mythology of crystals throughout time

Do Rocks Have A Spirit?

Are crystals in your future?

New Mexico: “Land of Enchantment” and “enchanted stones”

Ilike to collect stones of strange shapes and colors from different parts of New Mexico. I feel the stones I collect are indeed “enchanted” on some level of consciousness! I love to lean my back against them on cool afternoon hikes in the mountains surrounding Albuquerque. [Source: 9]

Mikkel Aaland’s insightful article cited in source 9 is noteworthy. He shares that two of his favorite books are Megaliths by Paul Caponigro and Inside the Stone by Bill Atkinson. Speak to Stones and Stars by Linda Connors 2018 at Haines Gallery, he relates, took his breath away! [Source: 9]

Try telling any crystal lover that their favorite sparkling treasure is ONLY stone and see where it takes you!. Celebrities are adding traces of these minerals to their new perfume products, as numerous physical and online retailers showcase whole chunks of crystals touting their purported healing properties and energy. [Sources: 3, 8]

Understanding the story of how different people in human history viewed the crystal can explain why we are still fascinated by this stone today. In addition to the more obvious symbol of faith and innocence, crystal is also a material for thinking about sex, not just a representation.

We have learned from other studies that crystals symbolize spiritual purity and perfection, and are often used on religious occasions, especially in Christian churches, to decorate gospel books and other important religious objects. People believed that crystals would bring spiritual enlightenment and joyful existence in the hereafter in the Middle Ages. [Source: 3]

They worshiped nature and ancestors and believed that trees, waterfalls, and even rocks could have a spirit. [Sources: 9]

Richard L. Dieterle, in his profound article, “Rock Spirits” writes that rocks are of many kinds, and each variety of rock has its spirit chief! The leader of the Black Rock Spirits is the Green Man (or Blue Man), so named because his body is Ao (blue or green) all over. It is the spirit of the stones used to heat the pit in which the corn is fried. [Sources: 0, 9]

When the grandfather returned to his basic nature, he became a thick rock on which the children from the Voija(s)Daz village played. This idea of the ironstones contained in marble as a seed is reflected in mythology when it is revealed that two of the old man’s relatives are living (magnetic) iron and blue iron.

Some myths to ponder

Photo by Julian on Unsplash

Once the Thunderbird struck a stone with lightning, and the stone turned into a living frog. A woman fleeing from her enemies felt sorry for the spirits that turned her to stone in one case.

When young people go out and cry to the spirits for guidance and protection for life, if they see stones or stones in a dream, this portends their death.

Talking about crystalline consciousness in terms of a crystal spirit or a Deva dweller can be difficult to swallow when you imagine a small being living inside a crystal. [Sources: 0, 8]

The elementals

Many believe that to connect with the spirit of the crystal, you must first awaken the elemental (spirit or Deva inside the crystal. You can awaken the crystal spirit by dedicating your stone with love and light for the benefit of all beings to serve a universal purpose.

You can also make your crystal filled with the life force of the Spirit or the healing energy of the Universe. It is important to express your gratitude and thanks to the crystal spirit after the blessing and tuning the stone. [Sources: 8]

Crystals can help you on your life journey in many ways

Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

Think of your crystal as a touchstone, both literally and figuratively, that can help you keep your purpose in mind in your daily life. You can then use the crystal in any way you like, such as wearing it as a decoration, placing it on a table or windowsill, or simply holding it in your hand when you need to remember your intention.

As Askinosi points out, whatever your goals are, all crystals can help you on your journey to better well-being when used with intention. As with everything related to your health and wellness, from green juice to yoga and meditation, crystals can be an addition to your daily routine, but not a substitute for a doctor’s prescription or permanent solution. [Sources: 7]

The power of the human mind

But the human mind is powerful, and it’s harder to say clearly that crystals don’t work if you define their “work” as a benefit.

First, proponents believe that crystals are used to heal earth energy when used correctly. Some modern healers even believe that the Crystal Maiden determines the healing properties of each stone.

Some ancients believed that when the crystal contained a rainbow inside, it was a sign that the Deva (spirit) inside the crystal was ready to establish a connection. [Sources: 6, 7, 8]

Crystals and their reputed healing energies

Holding the crystals or placing them on the body is believed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Crystals seem to do this by positively interacting with the energy field or chakra in your body.

Some believe that the vibrations and healing properties of the crystals help cleanse the chakras of any remaining negative energy and correct both body and mind again. [Sources: 2, 6]

Do crystals heal?

Believing in the magical, metaphysical healing power of rocks, crystals, and minerals is nothing new. The supernatural healing properties of rocks, crystals, and minerals can bring peace, prosperity, and protection, and this belief is rooted in distant history. Therefore, the potential healing powers we now attribute to crystals and stones may not be so incredible. [Sources: 5, 7]

And yes, it is almost certainly correct to say that crystals by themselves do not have any of the mystical health properties attributed to them by users.

While many people believe that stones and minerals can also physically heal, I am not an expert in this area and would not like to provide any misinformation. I also find it fun to give stones, minerals, or crystals to someone you think will benefit from its special healing properties. [Sources: 5, 6]

Getting rid of stress and negative emotions

Based on their benefits, you can use healing stones to heal yourself naturally and relieve stress and negative emotions. However, the use of healing crystals can be very relaxing, because they will create a feeling of relaxation in the environment.

Balancing crystals can also help match the energy level transferred. Each healing crystal has its attributes and abilities. [Sources: 1]

It can also help cleanse the body, emotions, and spirit. The crystal vibrates in the same tone as humans, maximizing our existing healing power.

It is said that crystals vibrate because their atoms and molecules move and interact in unique ways. Some say that you can use crystals as a reminder of your intentions.

As a 2nd degree Reiki practitioner, I find that using crystals in my meditations is a very powerful way to reinforce my intentions to heal others. If you find my article to be a help to enlighten your knowledge of stones and crystals, I would love to hear from you! Understandably, this topic is not everyone’s “cup of tea” so to speak. [Sources: 1, 7]

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